Class IX

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Winter Vacation HHW (FA4 Activity)

Dear Students

For your winter vacations, we have got some interesting home work for you.

Topic : Internet Security

Class IX: Make an App or Game or a video on the above topic on any platform.
You can use the website Its really easy and interesting to make it on them or make a game in Kudo or Minecraft. Upload your game or app online so that the link can be accessed by the teacher.

Class X: Make a website of atleast 3 pages interlinked on the above topic. HTML has to be used.
Your own creativity will be accessed.

Both IX and X can perform the above task individually or in groups. The group capacity cannot exceed 4 wherein each group member needs to justify their part in the work submitted.

This activity will be accessed for your FA4  activity as well.

Have a great time. Work a little. Find out new interesting technologies and surprise your classmates and teachers later.

For any queries, drop in a mail at

Keep coming back for new things posted on the blog. Be a regular visitor so you don't miss out on anything.

Happy New Year !!

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Class-9 - Chapter 13- Formulae and Functions in a Spreadsheet

Class-9 - Chapter 13- Formulae and Functions in a Spreadsheet

Fill in the blanks:

1. =
2. Concatenation
3. wide
4. relative
5. AutoSum

Multiple choice questions:

1. &
2. relative referencing
3. Absolute cell reference
4. B3+C3+D3
5. 5

Very Short answer questions:

1. C2= D2+E3
2. Max(B1:B5)
3. D4/D6 ( on clicking Percentage option in format cells)
4.(i) In Editing group on the Home tab
   (ii) In Function Library group on the Formulas tab
5. Yes it will remain the same. Output is 50

Short answer questions:

1. Page 303- The process of combining text values within formulae is called concatenation.
Write the example given under Text formulae

2. ^,*,/,+,-

3. A combination of relative and absolute referencing is called mixed referencing.
Page 305- write 3rd bullet.

4. Output- 9. Yes it will change. When a cell is deleted, the data gets deleted. Hence, in the formula we have only 4 numbers whose average has to be taken.

5. The IF function returns one value if a specified condition evaluates to TRUE, or another values if it evaluates to FALSE.

Long answer questions:

1. A formula is a sequence of values, cell references, functions, and/or operators that is contained in a cell and produces new values from existing values.
Date format is: DDMMYYYY

2. 3 types are: Relative, Absolute, Mixed referencing.
Describe them with example:
Relative- Page 304 (write completely with an example)
Absolute- Page 305 (Write completely -all paragraphs of it)
Mixed - Page 305 (Write till 3rd bullet)

3. By using SUM function or by using AutoSUM function

4. Page 307- Functions: Define it and write about Arguments and Structure only

5. Page 310- Printing a worksheet write only the 5 steps. No description required.

Application based questions:

    (a) 40
    (b) -20
    (c) D3 = $A$3 + C3
    (D) D3 = $A3 + C3
    (E) D4 = $A3 + C$3
    (a) D2 = 40% * C2
    (b) E2 = 45% * C2
    (C) F2 = 10% * C2
    (D) G2 = C2 + D2 + E2 - F2
    (E) H2 = IF (G2 > = 50000, "N","Y")
    (F) No, The manager will not have to do the changes again as excel automatically recalculates when data values are changes, all the corresponding values will also change. 

    (a) A2, B2, C2, D2
    (b) =MAX(A3:E3)
    (c) =MIN(A3:E3)

4. It is circular reference warning. This is shown when formula contains a circular reference and may not calculate correctly. Here, the cell where total sum has to be displayed is also considered for adding up the result. But, this cell actually doesn't contain any value.

    (a) D2=IF(C2<=40000, 10%*C2, 5%*C2)

    (b) Use AutoFill handle of the cell D2.

Class IX Chapter 14 Advanced Features of a Spreadsheet

Chapter 14- Advanced Features of a Spreadsheet

Fill in the blanks:

1. Sort
2. Conditional
3. Filter
4. Charts
5. Pie

Multiple choice questions:

1. Design Tab
2. Add Level
3. Doughnut
4. Chart label
5. All of these

Very short answer questions:

1. Convert to range
2. Either Delhi or Mumbai
3. Legend
4. Design, Layout, Format
5. Move chart

Short answer questions:

1. Sorting arranges the given data, which may be textual, numerical, or alphanumerical in a specified order.
   Filtering is a quick and easy way to find and work with parts of data in a range.The filter feature selectively blocks out the data you do not want to see.

2. Custom filtering is the process of filtering data on specific conditions.
    Click on Clear Filter option to remove custom filtering.

3. Conditional formatting is a feature in MS Excel that sets a cell's format according to the conditions that are specified. This feature can be used to display numbers in cells in a particular colour, depending on whether they are greater than, equal to, or less than a certain number.

4. Line chart-Page 327 (with diagram) , Area chart- Page 328 (with diagram)

5. Data series, X-axis, Y-axis, Chart title, Axis title, Chart area, Plot area, Legend, Grid lines, Data Label.

Long answer questions:

1. Page 319-write all 5 steps.

2. Sorting data on one column- page 321- all 4 steps.

    Sorting on more than one column- page 322- all 8 steps.

3. A pictorial representation of data is chart.Charts make it easier to understand large amounts of data.It helps to 'see' the relationship between different parts of the data.
Steps to create a chart- page 330- all 5 points.

4. Scatter chart- page 327 & 328 - with diagram

5. Page 331- changing the design of a chart- write first 2 points ( point 1 and 2)

Application based questions:

   (a) Logical ability-filtered records- roll 4- chetna
        GK - filtered records- Roll 2- Ashish, Roll 3- Beena, Roll 6- Reema, Roll 8- Yogesh

   (b) Beena, Chetna, Yogesh, Bijoy, Reema, Biswas, Anu, Ashish

   (c) Beena, Chetna, Yogesh, Bijoy, Ashish, Biswas, Reema, Anu

   (d) Nil

   (e) Beena,Bijoy,Biswas

   (a) Bar chart
   (b) Top-centre
   (c) X-axis-> Number of medals, Y-axis-> Country Name
   (d) USA
   (e) Japan and France

  (a) Line chart
  (b) Bottom
  (c) Comparison of Profit
  (d) Company B
  (e) (i) Line chart
       (ii) Column or bar chart

  (a) Column chart
  (b) Literacy rate in different states(in %)
  (c) X-axis-> States
       Y-axis-> Literacy (in %)
  (d) Yes, on right-hand side.
  (e) Highest-> Kerala, Lowest-> Tamil Nadu
  (f) Goa

 (a) Pie

 (b) and (c) Not Attempted ( Image is not clear)

Class IX Chapter 12 ( Introduction to Spreadsheet)

Class IX (CH - 12 Introduction To Spreadsheet)
I. Objective Type questions

A. Fill in the blanks:
1. 3
2. AB
3. Formula
5. Auto Filled

B. Multiple Choice Question:
1. Active Cell
2. Name Box
3. F8
4.Merge and Center
5. Top


A. Very short answers:

1. MS Excel.
2. Insert
3. E7
4. A1:E5
5. Auto fill

B. Short question answers:

1. Workbook is a collection of worksheets.
    Worksheets : Each page of the workbook containing a grid of rectangular cells made up of rows    and columns.

2. Numbers, Text, Formulae

3. It is used to cancel the data entry without pressing the DELETE key.

4. It refers to the position at which data is placed within the boundary of a cell.Numbers are always right-aligned and text is always left-aligned.

5. two ways are- in the CUSTOM Lists dialog box or by importing a list.

C. Long question answer:

1. A range is a rectangular block of contiguous cells, i.e. , cells that touch each other, especially along a line. The two methods of selecting a range of cells are;
      (i) Using Extend selection mode(Page 277 -write all 4 steps)
     (ii) Using Go To Command (Page 277 - write all 6 steps.)

2. Two ways of Editing cells are :
      (i) By overwriting (Page 278-Write the complete paragraph )
      (ii) By Partial Modification(Page 278- Write the complete paragraph)

3.  Page 281- Changing row height and column width- write all 4 steps.

4.  A custom list is list that has a series or a list already stored and can be used just like the Autofill    feature as and whenever necessary.
 Method of creating a custom list: Page 287- write 1st three steps(To add a list in custom list)

5. Page 286- first 2 steps.

Application based questions:

   (a) Centre Alignment

   (b) Merge and Centre

   (c)  Left

   (d) Fill colour

   (e) Bold
   (f) All borders

   (a) A3- 5
        A4- 6
        A5- 7

    (b) B2-Mon, B3-Tue, B4-Wed, B5-Thus, B6-Fri, B7-Sat

    (c) C3-July, C4-Oct

3. Shift key, range of cells, last cell, shift key, activate, arrow

   (a) Cut or copy
   (b) Either click outside the cell or click on 'Undo' or press 'Ctrl+Z'

   (c) Delete entire row

   (d) Ctrl+Z or Undo

   (a) By dragging the column line
   (b) Formula Bar

   (c) Merge and centre

Class X chapter 11 ( XML)

                                                      CHAPTER-11 XML 

A. Fill ups:-
2. Data
3. .xml
4. User
5. XML

B. True or False:-
C. MCQ:-
1.(d)both a and c.
2.(d)both a and c
3.(b)markup language
4.(c)<!--This is my comment-->
5.(c)the document should have a DTD

A. Very short answers:-
1. Extensible Markup Language
2. The XML document structure is like a tree. It has a root element, which is the parent of all other elements. An element can have sub-elements or child elements.
3.'The white spaces are not truncated' is XML.
4.It is a sequence of characters used to represent other sequence of characters.
5.The two types of DTD are as follows:-
      a. Internal DTD
      b. External DTD

B. Short Answers:-
1. XML was created so that richly structured documents could be used over the web and to overcome the problems associated with HTML.
2.<!--It stores a record-->
3.An XML element is everything from the element's start tag to the element's end tag, including the start tag, end tag and the content.
4. DTD stands for Document Type Definition. It provides a list of the elements contained in an XML document and their relationships to one another.
5. XML Parser is a software that reads an XML document, identifies all the XML tags, and passes the data to various applications.

C. Long answers :-
1. Naming rules for XML are the following:
(a) Names can contain letters, numbers and other characters.
(b) Element names cannot start with a number or punctuation character.
(c) They cannot start with the letters xml (or Xml,XML,etc.)
(d) ELEMENT names cannot contain spaces.

 DATA SEPARATION:- In HTML,the static text content is placed between tags and is never modified by any process.In XML, data is stored in a separate XML file and can be updated with a few lines of JAVA script.
DATA SHARING:- XML provides a way of sharing data that is independent of the software and hardware used. Such independence makes the data available to more users. In HTML data is a part of the .html document. It is not store separately and therefore such sharing of data is not possible.
DOCUMENT STRUCTURE:- The XML document structure is like a tree. It has a root element, which is the parent of all other elements. An element can have sub-elements or child elements.   In HTML, such a document structure is not present.
In XML, tags are user-defined. In HTML, they are predefined.
In XML, every opening tag must have a corresponding closing tags. Tags are paired in HTML too, but in some cases pairing is optional.
In XML, a nested tag pair can't overlap with another tag. In HTML, tags may appear without satisfying the rules of proper nesting.
In XML tag names are case sensitive. In HTML tags are not case sensitive.
ATTRIBUTE:- In HTML, we can change the background color by BGCOLOR attribute, text color by TEXT attribute, link color by LINK attribute, visited link color by VLINK attribute, and active link color ALINK attribute. In XML, all elements can have associative attributes which specify their characteristics.
ATTRIBUTE VALUE:-In HTML, the attribute value can be written without quotes, with double quotes or  with single quotes. In XML, the attribute value should be surrounded by double quotes.

3. Requirements for well-formed XML document are:-
       (1) the root and child elements must be nested in a proper way.
       (2) each start tags must have a corresponding end tag.
       (3)  all empty tags must be enclosed properly.

4. The two types of DTD are: -
    A. Internal DTD - it is contained within the document. It defines the components of only 1 document, the one in which it is included.
       B. External DTD - it is a separate file that defines the elements and other document components of the current XML document.

5. The two types of XML Parser are: -
      (a) Non-validating XML Parser: it checks whether an XML document is well-formed, i.e., if the document is properly marked up according to XML syntax rules.
      (b) Validating XML Parser: it checks if an XML document is well-formed and also ensures that all elements in the document are exactly as specified in the DTD to which the document is bound.

D. Applications based questions: -
a. <message>
b. <from>, <to>, <subject> and < body>
c.<name>, <telephone>and< residence>

a. In this, <? xml version="1.0"?>. Is the processing instruction. A processing instruction gives instructions to the application.
b. <car ID ="S1">
<model color="Blue"> Santro CS </ model>
c. Yes.

3. <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE salarydata
<! ELEMENT data (code, name, salary)>
<! ELEMENT code (# PCDATA)>
<! ELEMENT name ( # PCDATA)>
<! ELEMENT salary (# PCDATA)>
<name>Deepa Chugh</name>
<name>Parth Jain</name>

4.   a.
   |                           |                                |
 No                   name                         charges

         |                                                                     |
     groundfloor                                             firstfloor
          |                                                               |
____________                                      ________________
|                       |                                     |                               |
room            rent                                room                        rent

5. a. <clubdetails>
b. There is only one child element and it is <member>.
c. It signifies that atleast once or any time should appear.
d. Name ID has an attribute with it and that is REQUIRED.
e. The ',' sign signifies that the element should appear strictly in the order in which they are defined in the element declaration.
f. If you will change',' sign to '|' then, the elements first were strictly in order but now they may appear only once or more than once.

6. <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE student[
<!ELEMENT student( lastname,firstname*,dob?,gender,(sc|st)?)>
<!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT gender (#PCDATA)>


Class X Chapter 12 Societal Impact of Information Technology

CHAPTER - 12(Class 10)

A. Fill ups:-
1. Trojan Horse
2. Malware
3. Worm
4. Cybercrime
5. Encryption

B. True or False:-
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True

C. Multiple Choice Questions:-
1. (b)Trojan Horse
2. (b)Spyware
3. (b)Typing Through Keyboard
4. (a)Online Backup
5. (b)Cracker


A. Very Short Answers:-
1. Antivirus
2. Spam
3. E-commerce
4. When user downloads something from the internet.
5. Data Backup means to make copies of data in a removable, long term storage device.

B. Short Answers:-
1. Infomaniac has a habit of continuously responding to electronic communication such as e-mails, SMSs, etc.

2. A digital certificate is a kind of a digital code or credential that authenticates the identity of the server.

3. Malware is a generic term used for any program designed to infiltrate a computer without the user's consent.

4. A computer virus is a program that attaches itself to other programs in order to alter their behaviour, often in a harmful way.
 Two ways in which virus can spread into our computer system are as follows:-
      (a)    Sharing of infected files over a network, through infected CD-ROMs and through e-mails.
  (b) Downloading any applications from internet or any web sites.

5. HACKER: It is a term used for a computer enthusiast i.e. a person who enjoys learning programming languages and computer systems, and can often be considered an expert on the subjects.
   CRACKER: It is a term used to refer to an individual who gains unauthorized access to a computer system for the purpose of stealing and corrupting data

C. Long Answers:-

1. Antivirus Program is designed to detect and remove malicious programs.
It runs in the background all the times.
It is updated regularly so that it recognizes new versions of malicious programs.

2. Online Backup refers to copying of data to some other computer     on the internet for online storage.
Two advantages of online backup are:
(a) Data is stored safely at some remote location that is far away from the original data.
(b) Privacy and security of data are assured with encryption and password protection.

3. Spam refers to any unsolicited, unwanted e-mails.
  Ways of avoiding getting spam are as follows:
 Use the spam filter of your e-mail program to block unwanted e-mails.
Delete spam mails without reading them.

4. E-commerce takes place in the following ways:
 Suppose Alina wants to buy a portable music player online:
1. Alina's computer is connected to the internet. She opens a web browser and types the URL of the website in the address bar and press enter key.
2. The web server responds by sending its digital certificate, which includes its public key, to Alina's computer.
3. The browser verifies the digital certificate of the browser.
4. The browser will generate a one time, unique session key.
5. The web server decrypts the encrypted session key using the private key and gets the session key.
When Alina chooses the desired product and proceeds to buy it:
1. The URL of the website now starts with https: instead of http:.
2. A lock icon appears after the address bar of the browser, indicating that the browser is now in the secure mode. When the browser is running in the normal mode, this icon doesn't appear.

5. ICT is a broad term that signifies the integration of information technology tools broadcasting technology, audio and video processing equipment, and telecommunication equipment. 
Use of ICT in Healthcare:
a. It is used by the Government in controlling the spread of communicable diseases,
b. It is used to promote medical education and training.
Use of ICT in governance:
a. It helps the government to deliver services effectively
b. It maintains transparency in the system and keeps a check on malpractices.

D. Application based:
a. Worm has affected the computer.
b. She should install antivirus.
c. She can install kaspersky Antivirus, Quick Heal to get rid of this situation.
d. Not regularly but should be updated over a period of time.

 A password should have atleast 8-10 characters in length.
The password should have atleast one character of: lowercase alphabet letters, numbers, special characters and uppercase alphabet letters.
Do not duplicate your username, real name.

b.It is essential for the company to have workable backup strategy for data because their data is not secure and anyone can steal it.

c. The company should have:
Authentication of sender and recipient
Integrity and non-repudiation
Public and private key encryption
Digital certificate

b. No, she should not open these emails. avoid SPAM:
 Do not give your email address to unknown people.
Use the SPAM filter.
Delete SPAM mails without reading.

4.a. The condition of Srikant's brothers is called INFOMANIA.
b. Infomania condition can affect people to such an extent that adults waste their productive time in the office, neglecting their duties, whereas students waste their study time by frequently checking emails, etc.

b. He can use CD,DVD,USB flash drive or external hard drive.
c. Data loss can occur because of file corruption, fire, theft, hard disk crash, etc. If we regularly make backup copies of files on our hard disk and keep them at a separate place, we can get the lost data back if anything happens to the original files on our computer.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Class IX Chapter 11

I.                     Objective type questions.
a.       Fill in the blanks:
                                                               i.      Format and pictures
                                                             ii.      Illustration
                                                           iii.      Animation
                                                           iv.      Slide show
                                                             v.      Link
b.       Multiple choice questions:
                                                               i.      D
                                                             ii.      C
                                                           iii.      B
                                                           iv.      D
                                                             v.      D
II.                   Descriptive type questions:
a.       Very short answer questions:
                                                               i.      Format tab
                                                             ii.      The four groups on Design tab are:
1.       Create Graphic
2.       Layouts
3.       Smart Art Styles
4.       Reset
                                                           iii.      Group option in arrange group can be used.
                                                           iv.      Transition sound
                                                             v.      Record narration is available in Set up group. Microphone and Speaker are needed extra for record narration tool.
b.       Short answer question:
                                                               i.      Transitions are effects that are added when you move from one slide to the next in a presentation, while animations are special sound or visual effects on a slide.
                                                             ii.      The five groups on the Format tab are:
1.       Insert shapes – it helps you to add shapes to a presentation.
2.       Shape styles – it allows you to fill color, add outline, and add effects to the shapes.
3.       Word Art styles – this group can be used with text. It can change the style and color, add effects to the text.
4.       Arrange – it helps in the placement of a shape.
5.       Size – this group allows you to crop and change the size of a shape.
                                                           iii.      On page 252, under the heading record narration write all three points.
                                                           iv.      The options are as follows:
1.       From beginning – it starts the slide show from the first slide.
2.       From current slide – it starts the slide show from the current slide.
3.       Custom slide show – you can select the slides to be included in the slide show and start it from the first slide.
                                                             v.      On page 247, under the heading inserting sound. Write all the bullets under point 2.
c.       Long answer question:
                                                               i.      On page 248, under the heading inserting movies ( all 3 points)
                                                             ii.      The steps to create a watermark are as follows: ( all 5 points on page 246)
                                                           iii.      The steps to create a hyperlink to a slide in the same presentation are as follows: (on page 254, under the heading creating a hyperlink to a slide in the same presentation, all 6 points)
d.       Application based questions:
A.      Design tab                          
B.      Insert Tab                           
C.       Bullets and Numbering
D.       View tab            
E.        Animation
A. Smart Art                       
b. Animation                     
c. Rehearse Timing
d. Microphone                     
e. Hyperlink
                                                           iii.      Practically done
A. Microsoft Power point and Open Office Impress
b. Smart Art and Slide Transitions            
c. Yes, she can insert pictures into the presentation by using insert tab.  
D. By selecting the picture and by using crop option under format tab.    
       v.  She can do so by following the steps:
                i. Select all the objects
                ii. Right click the mouse button

                iii. Select group option

Class 9 Chapter 10 Application Based Question Answer

Application Based question answer:

a. Normal View
b. By selecting the save as option and saving the file in previous version
c. Footer
d. Footer
e. Design tab

D3 a. Normal View          b. Slide Sorter View

D5 Refer to page 208

Note:- D1 and D4 are practical based questions.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Chapter 15 Class 9

Chapter – 15
Societal Impact of Information Technology

Part II

I Objective type questions:

Part A Fill int he blanks:
1. communication
2. Plagiarism
3. Hacking
4. piracy
5. programmer

Part B Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Plagiarism
2. Back up
3. Antivirus
4. Encryption
5. Data entry operator

II. Descriptive Type Questions:

Part A    Very short answer questions

             1.        EFTPOS ( Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale)
      2.       Agricultural and Automative Industries
      3.       Password
      4.     The security system to protect a computer from hacker attacks is firewall.
      5.      The technology that involves masking important data to prevent unauthorized access is data masking.

Part B  Short answer questions:

1.  ICT has helped in education in the following ways:
a.       It creates interactive classroom teaching; students enjoy the environment and it results in improved concentration
b.       An e-learning program allows students to learn at their own pace, at any time, and from any place.

2. (i) Trademark - It is a word, a name , or a symbol used to identify and distiguish the product of one manufacturer or seller from that of others.
(ii) Patent - It is a legal right that allows the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a set period of time.
3. a. Back data regularly
    b. Data encryption and password protection
4. In order to avoid plagiarism, one needs to obtain written permission from a copyright owner and/or cite the source when using that information.
5. Two skills required to make a career in the field of IT industry are:
    a. Logical Thinking                       b. Creative thinking

Part C  Long Answer questions
      1.       ICT stands for Information Communication Technology.  It deals with the use of computers and other electronic means to store, process, transmit, and retrieve data or information.
 ICT in governance is used in the following manner:
a)       Greater attention to improve the service delivery mechanism
b)      Enhancing the efficiency of departments.

       2.       In the context of IT, Privacy refers to the ability to control the information revealed by someone about him/her online and to control who can access that information. This information includes one’s Web surfing habits, IP address etc.It is affected by spyware, phishing, and e-mail web bugs as the often deliver specific advertisements or cookies to collect personal information by unlawful means and is used to cheat users and/ or harm their computers.
     3.       Security of information means preventing unauthorized access to it and ensuring that it is kept safe from corruption (i.e., errors occurring during its transmission or retrieval).
Integrity of Information refers to the authenticity and reliability of information.
The following are the technologies are used to prevent the security and integrity of information:
a)       Password – it is a secret sequence of characters
b)      Antivirus Software – To detect  and remove viruses and other malicious software
c)       Firewall – it is a security system designed to protect a computer from hacker attacks.
     4.       Intellectual Property Rights are the legal rights over creations of mind such as asliterary or artistic works, music, ideas, discoveries, and designs.
a.       Copyright – This law typically protect creative works such as books, movies, music, paintings, photographs and software. They give the creator/ owner the exclusive right to control the reproduction or adaption of such works for a certain period for time.
b.       Patent – It is a legal right that allows the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a set period of time.

      5.       Difference between:
Knowledge Engineers
Networking Engineers
1.       Design computer systems with artificial intelligence.
1.       They are responsible for designing and management of computer networks and implementation of support and services for the same.
2.       They should be trained in fifth- generation languages such as LISP, Prolog, and STRIPS, and should have sound numerical and statistical ability.
2.  They should have knowledge of the ports, hardware components,  device drivers, and compatibility options of hardware and software.

Part D Application Based Questions:

1. The teacher instructs rightly to the students to change their passwords. The new passwords should be strong so that no other person can hack into any student's account.

2. The teacher understands that copying someone's work without their consent s illegal.
The term related is plagiarism.
 In order to avoid plagiarism, one needs to obtain written permission from a copyright owner and/or cite the source when using that information.

3. To prevent unauthorized access of fees and academic data, the school should get data masking implemented on the important data.

4. Data encryption should be done to send important information over the internet safely. Data encryption is a technology that protects information by converting it into an unreadable code that cannot be deciphered easily by unauthorized people.

5. The principal has instructed the office incharge to make a copy of the fee data so as to maintain a proper database regularly and avoid data conflicts.