Class IX

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Class X chapter 11 ( XML)

                                                      CHAPTER-11 XML 

A. Fill ups:-
2. Data
3. .xml
4. User
5. XML

B. True or False:-
C. MCQ:-
1.(d)both a and c.
2.(d)both a and c
3.(b)markup language
4.(c)<!--This is my comment-->
5.(c)the document should have a DTD

A. Very short answers:-
1. Extensible Markup Language
2. The XML document structure is like a tree. It has a root element, which is the parent of all other elements. An element can have sub-elements or child elements.
3.'The white spaces are not truncated' is XML.
4.It is a sequence of characters used to represent other sequence of characters.
5.The two types of DTD are as follows:-
      a. Internal DTD
      b. External DTD

B. Short Answers:-
1. XML was created so that richly structured documents could be used over the web and to overcome the problems associated with HTML.
2.<!--It stores a record-->
3.An XML element is everything from the element's start tag to the element's end tag, including the start tag, end tag and the content.
4. DTD stands for Document Type Definition. It provides a list of the elements contained in an XML document and their relationships to one another.
5. XML Parser is a software that reads an XML document, identifies all the XML tags, and passes the data to various applications.

C. Long answers :-
1. Naming rules for XML are the following:
(a) Names can contain letters, numbers and other characters.
(b) Element names cannot start with a number or punctuation character.
(c) They cannot start with the letters xml (or Xml,XML,etc.)
(d) ELEMENT names cannot contain spaces.

 DATA SEPARATION:- In HTML,the static text content is placed between tags and is never modified by any process.In XML, data is stored in a separate XML file and can be updated with a few lines of JAVA script.
DATA SHARING:- XML provides a way of sharing data that is independent of the software and hardware used. Such independence makes the data available to more users. In HTML data is a part of the .html document. It is not store separately and therefore such sharing of data is not possible.
DOCUMENT STRUCTURE:- The XML document structure is like a tree. It has a root element, which is the parent of all other elements. An element can have sub-elements or child elements.   In HTML, such a document structure is not present.
In XML, tags are user-defined. In HTML, they are predefined.
In XML, every opening tag must have a corresponding closing tags. Tags are paired in HTML too, but in some cases pairing is optional.
In XML, a nested tag pair can't overlap with another tag. In HTML, tags may appear without satisfying the rules of proper nesting.
In XML tag names are case sensitive. In HTML tags are not case sensitive.
ATTRIBUTE:- In HTML, we can change the background color by BGCOLOR attribute, text color by TEXT attribute, link color by LINK attribute, visited link color by VLINK attribute, and active link color ALINK attribute. In XML, all elements can have associative attributes which specify their characteristics.
ATTRIBUTE VALUE:-In HTML, the attribute value can be written without quotes, with double quotes or  with single quotes. In XML, the attribute value should be surrounded by double quotes.

3. Requirements for well-formed XML document are:-
       (1) the root and child elements must be nested in a proper way.
       (2) each start tags must have a corresponding end tag.
       (3)  all empty tags must be enclosed properly.

4. The two types of DTD are: -
    A. Internal DTD - it is contained within the document. It defines the components of only 1 document, the one in which it is included.
       B. External DTD - it is a separate file that defines the elements and other document components of the current XML document.

5. The two types of XML Parser are: -
      (a) Non-validating XML Parser: it checks whether an XML document is well-formed, i.e., if the document is properly marked up according to XML syntax rules.
      (b) Validating XML Parser: it checks if an XML document is well-formed and also ensures that all elements in the document are exactly as specified in the DTD to which the document is bound.

D. Applications based questions: -
a. <message>
b. <from>, <to>, <subject> and < body>
c.<name>, <telephone>and< residence>

a. In this, <? xml version="1.0"?>. Is the processing instruction. A processing instruction gives instructions to the application.
b. <car ID ="S1">
<model color="Blue"> Santro CS </ model>
c. Yes.

3. <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE salarydata
<! ELEMENT data (code, name, salary)>
<! ELEMENT code (# PCDATA)>
<! ELEMENT name ( # PCDATA)>
<! ELEMENT salary (# PCDATA)>
<name>Deepa Chugh</name>
<name>Parth Jain</name>

4.   a.
   |                           |                                |
 No                   name                         charges

         |                                                                     |
     groundfloor                                             firstfloor
          |                                                               |
____________                                      ________________
|                       |                                     |                               |
room            rent                                room                        rent

5. a. <clubdetails>
b. There is only one child element and it is <member>.
c. It signifies that atleast once or any time should appear.
d. Name ID has an attribute with it and that is REQUIRED.
e. The ',' sign signifies that the element should appear strictly in the order in which they are defined in the element declaration.
f. If you will change',' sign to '|' then, the elements first were strictly in order but now they may appear only once or more than once.

6. <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE student[
<!ELEMENT student( lastname,firstname*,dob?,gender,(sc|st)?)>
<!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT gender (#PCDATA)>


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