Class-9 - Chapter 13- Formulae and Functions in a Spreadsheet
Fill in the blanks:
1. =
2. Concatenation
3. wide
4. relative
5. AutoSum
Multiple choice
1. &
2. relative referencing
3. Absolute cell reference
4. B3+C3+D3
5. 5
Very Short answer
1. C2= D2+E3
2. Max(B1:B5)
3. D4/D6 ( on clicking Percentage option in format cells)
4.(i) In Editing group on the Home tab
(ii) In Function
Library group on the Formulas tab
5. Yes it will remain the same. Output is 50
Short answer
1. Page 303- The process of combining text values within
formulae is called concatenation.
Write the example given under Text formulae
2. ^,*,/,+,-
3. A combination of relative and absolute referencing is
called mixed referencing.
Page 305- write 3rd bullet.
4. Output- 9. Yes it will change. When a cell is deleted, the
data gets deleted. Hence, in the formula we have only 4 numbers whose average
has to be taken.
5. The IF function returns one value if a specified
condition evaluates to TRUE, or another values if it evaluates to FALSE.
Long answer
1. A formula is a sequence of values, cell references,
functions, and/or operators that is contained in a cell and produces new values
from existing values.
Date format is: DDMMYYYY
2. 3 types are: Relative, Absolute, Mixed referencing.
Describe them with example:
Relative- Page 304 (write completely with an example)
Absolute- Page 305 (Write completely -all paragraphs of it)
Mixed - Page 305 (Write till 3rd bullet)
3. By using SUM function or by using AutoSUM function
4. Page 307- Functions: Define it and write about Arguments
and Structure only
5. Page 310- Printing a worksheet write only the 5 steps. No
description required.
Application based
(a) 40
(b) -20
(c) D3 = $A$3 + C3
(D) D3 = $A3 + C3
(E) D4 = $A3 + C$3
(c) D3 = $A$3 + C3
(D) D3 = $A3 + C3
(E) D4 = $A3 + C$3
(a) D2 = 40% * C2
(b) E2 = 45% * C2
(C) F2 = 10% * C2
(D) G2 = C2 + D2 + E2 - F2
(E) H2 = IF (G2 > = 50000, "N","Y")
(F) No, The manager will not have to do the changes again as excel automatically recalculates when data values are changes, all the corresponding values will also change.
(C) F2 = 10% * C2
(D) G2 = C2 + D2 + E2 - F2
(E) H2 = IF (G2 > = 50000, "N","Y")
(F) No, The manager will not have to do the changes again as excel automatically recalculates when data values are changes, all the corresponding values will also change.
(a) A2, B2, C2, D2
(b) =MAX(A3:E3)
(c) =MIN(A3:E3)
4. It is circular reference warning. This is shown when
formula contains a circular reference and may not calculate correctly. Here,
the cell where total sum has to be displayed is also considered for adding up
the result. But, this cell actually doesn't contain any value.
(a) D2=IF(C2<=40000, 10%*C2, 5%*C2)
(b) Use AutoFill
handle of the cell D2.